Candidates in the Express Entry pool for immigration to Canada with 440 or more Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points have been invited to apply for Canadian permanent residence in the July 12 Express Entry draw. A total of 3,202 candidates were invited this time around.
The CRS cut-off threshold has decreased by nine points since the previous draw, which took place on June 28.
Today’s draw is the second to have taken place since changes were made to the CRS last month. Following those changes, and as CICNews explained a couple of weeks ago, it was expected that the CRS threshold would go up temporarily to allow for the fact that some candidates in the pool, specifically those with a sibling in Canada and those with French ability, received a boost in their score last month. In addition, the longer-than-usual gap between draws last month would have also been a contributing factor to the threshold going up before the June 28 draw.
While the threshold has not decreased again to its historic low of 413 or beyond, candidates remaining in the pool may take heart that the threshold has indeed decreased on this occasion — even more so when it is also taken into account that there were slightly fewer Invitations to Apply (ITAs) issued this time around than previously.
Source: CIC News