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Express Entry 71st Draw-2,772 Invitations , 435 Cut off Score - Marvel Immigration

Express Entry 71st Draw-2,772 Invitations , 435 Cut off Score

September 07 2017
71st Express Entry Draw will be sent to the candidates with 435 (CRS) points or higher.These scores are used as a cut-off point for those candidates who can economically be successful in Canada.

2772 invitations will be now sent for the ones who had applied for permanent residence.


Lucky Invited candidates only have 90 days to submit complete application for permanent residence along with proper documents.The processing of application will take six months. We also congrats our two candidates who got Invitation in latest draw. 

The September 6 Express Entry draw is the 71st since the Express Entry system came into operation, the 21st so far this year and It was the 20th draw in 2017 under the Express Entry System where the lowest CRS score was well below 500.

To find out if you are eligible to immigrate to Canada permanently, fill out a free assessment form;


Benefits of Authorized ICCRC consultant:

1-      Grasp latest information from membership of professional institution network

2-      Familiar with potential loopholes and decrease the risk of having your application refused

3-      Leave the correspondence between the government and you to us while your application is being processed

4-      Review your documents before submitting your documents

5-      Tackle complex situations

Free Online AssessmentCan You Qualify ?